20210326 Good price of Dividend

20210326 Good price of Dividend

New stock trading


Having stocks

code corp name Buy Amount Last Amount stocks
9412 Sky Perfect JSAT HD ¥482 ¥508 1,000
2733 Arata corporation ¥4,825 ¥4,935 1,000
6737 EIZO Corporation ¥4,185 ¥4,350 1,000
9783 Benesse HD ¥2,375 ¥2,402 1,000

One thing

I would like to buy good price of dividend firm , because we can use income gain.
Now, "Tomato bank" becamming high price of dividend percentage in Japanese market.
But, if that price of stocks is higher, lower dividend percentage.
I would like to identify good deal.

This article is an individual opinion and we do not recommend purchasing.
Please invest at your own risk.